
Friday, July 1, 2016

P90X Day 5: Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X

So now that I'm paying more attention, the part of this new routine that I'm the worst at is getting enough sleep. This is due to getting up at a certain hour, which is based on being at work at a certain hour and working out beforehand.

This would all be fine, except that I'm a bit more open-ended about when I go to sleep. There are often very good reasons for staying up late, and the aim is to normally have a surplus, if anything, of sleep so that I can absorb the bumps a little better. That's not how I've been operating. I busted by alarm today by half an hour and now my day is shifted. One way that we're poor at negotiating with ourselves is that you can always think "I'll catch up later." Catch up now. Be clear about your priorities and stick to them.

If you're overloaded, you're going to drop something whether you want to or not (often in the form of "catching up later"). Be mindful of your load and make a conscious decision of what to drop. Unfortunately, I think I'll have to drop my participation in Coursera's Parallel Programming course during this cycle.

As usual, the start of the workout was the hardest part. By the time I was done I felt great. I stuck with lighter weights than last time I did it because I didn't want to make it too difficult to continue. Opportunities to push yourself when you realize you have a bit more gas than you thought you did are great, but committing to a certain burn that you might not be able to back up on that day could cause problems. Working out harder one day doesn't mean your week's routine will be more effective.

Late to work, time to go.

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